2024年11月26日 中国银行汇率

2024年11月26日 中国银行汇率

币种 代码 现汇买入价 现钞买入价 现汇卖出价 现钞卖出价 中行折算价 日期 时间
美元 USD/CNY 724.4700 724.4700 727.5200 727.5200 719.1000 2024-11-26 10:02:01
欧元 EUR/CNY 756.1400 756.1400 761.6800 761.6800 756.1300 2024-11-26 10:02:01
港币 HKD/CNY 93.0700 93.0700 93.4500 93.4500 92.4100 2024-11-26 10:02:01
日元 JPY/CNY 4.6936 4.6936 4.7299 4.7299 4.6933 2024-11-26 10:02:01
英镑 GBP/CNY 905.9500 905.9500 912.6800 912.6800 906.0800 2024-11-26 10:02:01
澳大利亚元 AUD/CNY 467.7000 467.7000 471.4200 471.4200 468.9100 2024-11-26 10:02:01
加拿大元 CAD/CNY 511.6700 511.6700 515.6900 515.6900 516.1200 2024-11-26 10:02:01
泰国铢 THB/CNY 20.8000 20.8000 20.9600 20.9600 20.8500 2024-11-26 10:02:01
新加坡元 SGD/CNY 535.8300 535.8300 539.8600 539.8600 535.9000 2024-11-26 10:02:01
瑞士法郎 CHF/CNY 814.4700 814.4700 820.7600 820.7600 813.7400 2024-11-26 10:02:01
丹麦克朗 DKK/CNY 101.3300 101.3300 102.1500 102.1500 101.4100 2024-11-26 10:02:01
澳门元 MOP/CNY 90.3500 90.3500 90.7700 90.7700 89.6700 2024-11-26 10:02:01
林吉特 MYR/CNY 161.9600 163.4200 162.1000 2024-11-26 10:02:01
挪威克朗 NOK/CNY 64.8500 64.8500 65.3700 65.3700 65.0100 2024-11-26 10:02:01
新西兰元 NZD/CNY 420.7800 420.7800 423.9500 423.9500 421.4800 2024-11-26 10:02:01
菲律宾比索 PHP/CNY 12.1800 12.1800 12.4200 12.4200 12.3000 2024-11-26 10:02:01
卢布 RUB/CNY 6.7700 6.7700 7.1200 7.1200 6.9600 2024-11-26 10:02:01
瑞典克朗 SEK/CNY 65.3900 65.3900 65.9100 65.9100 65.6300 2024-11-26 10:02:01
新台币 TWD/CNY 21.4100 23.4600 22.3100 2024-11-26 10:02:01
韩国元 KRW/CNY 0.5132 0.5132 0.5220 0.5220 0.5162 2024-11-26 10:02:01
南非兰特 ZAR/CNY 39.7900 39.7900 40.2500 40.2500 39.9500

中国银行 今日牌价

中国银行 今日牌价

币种 代码 现汇买入价 现钞买入价 现汇卖出价 现钞卖出价 中行折算价 日期 时间
美元 USD/CNY 722.6700 722.6700 725.7200 725.7200 719.1100 2024-11-19 20:34:02
欧元 EUR/CNY 761.9900 761.9900 767.5800 767.5800 763.8600 2024-11-19 20:34:02
港币 HKD/CNY 92.8300 92.8300 93.2100 93.2100 92.3900 2024-11-19 20:34:02
日元 JPY/CNY 4.6813 4.6813 4.7175 4.7175 4.6801 2024-11-19 20:34:02
英镑 GBP/CNY 911.4900 911.4900 918.2600 918.2600 913.9100 2024-11-19 20:34:02
澳大利亚元 AUD/CNY 468.7100 468.7100 472.4300 472.4300 469.4300 2024-11-19 20:34:02
加拿大元 CAD/CNY 514.5800 514.5800 518.6200 518.6200 514.9600 2024-11-19 20:34:02
泰国铢 THB/CNY 20.8600 20.8600 21.0200 21.0200 20.8600 2024-11-19 20:34:02
新加坡元 SGD/CNY 538.4100 538.4100 542.4600 542.4600 539.0500 2024-11-19 20:34:02
瑞士法郎 CHF/CNY 816.5900 816.5900 822.9000 822.9000 816.2100 2024-11-19 20:34:02
丹麦克朗 DKK/CNY 102.0900 102.0900 102.9100 102.9100 102.5200 2024-11-19 20:34:02
澳门元 MOP/CNY 90.1200 90.1200 90.5400 90.5400 89.6500 2024-11-19 20:34:02
林吉特 MYR/CNY 161.3000 162.7600 161.3400 2024-11-19 20:34:02
挪威克朗 NOK/CNY 65.3200 65.3200 65.8400 65.8400 65.5900 2024-11-19 20:34:02
新西兰元 NZD/CNY 424.4300 424.4300 427.6200 427.6200 425.2900 2024-11-19 20:34:02
菲律宾比索 PHP/CNY 12.1700 12.1700 12.4100 12.4100 12.3400 2024-11-19 20:34:02
卢布 RUB/CNY 7.0500 7.0500 7.4100 7.4100 7.2400 2024-11-19 20:34:02
瑞典克朗 SEK/CNY 65.7200 65.7200 66.2400 66.2400 66.1300 2024-11-19 20:34:02
新台币 TWD/CNY 21.4100 23.4600 22.3100 2024-11-19 20:34:02
韩国元 KRW/CNY 0.5163 0.5163 0.5251 0.5251 0.5189 2024-11-19 20:34:02
南非兰特 ZAR/CNY 39.8500 39.8500 40.3100 40.3100 40.1600 2024-11-19 20:34:02

美元对人民币汇率外汇牌价 2024年11月18日

美元对人民币汇率外汇牌价 2024年11月18日

币种 代码 现汇买入价 现钞买入价 现汇卖出价 现钞卖出价 中行折算价 日期 时间
美元 USD/CNY 723.1200 723.1200 726.1700 726.1700 719.0700 2024-11-18 21:04:03
欧元 EUR/CNY 761.3900 761.3900 766.9600 766.9600 760.2900 2024-11-18 21:04:03
港币 HKD/CNY 92.8800 92.8800 93.2600 93.2600 92.3700 2024-11-18 21:04:03
日元 JPY/CNY 4.6475 4.6475 4.6834 4.6834 4.6738 2024-11-18 21:04:03
英镑 GBP/CNY 911.4800 911.4800 918.2500 918.2500 910.3800 2024-11-18 21:04:03
澳大利亚元 AUD/CNY 465.9000 465.9000 469.6000 469.6000 466.5200 2024-11-18 21:04:03
加拿大元 CAD/CNY 512.3500 512.3500 516.3700 516.3700 512.6900 2024-11-18 21:04:03
泰国铢 THB/CNY 20.7200 20.7200 20.8800 20.8800 20.7700 2024-11-18 21:04:03
新加坡元 SGD/CNY 536.8500 536.8500 540.8900 540.8900 537.8600 2024-11-18 21:04:03
瑞士法郎 CHF/CNY 812.8600 812.8600 819.1400 819.1400 811.9100 2024-11-18 21:04:03
丹麦克朗 DKK/CNY 102.0200 102.0200 102.8400 102.8400 102.0200 2024-11-18 21:04:03
澳门元 MOP/CNY 90.1700 90.1700 90.5900 90.5900 89.6400 2024-11-18 21:04:03
林吉特 MYR/CNY 161.1300 162.5900 161.5600 2024-11-18 21:04:03
挪威克朗 NOK/CNY 64.9500 64.9500 65.4700 65.4700 65.1000 2024-11-18 21:04:03
新西兰元 NZD/CNY 421.5900 421.5900 424.7600 424.7600 423.4200 2024-11-18 21:04:03
菲律宾比索 PHP/CNY 12.2200 12.2200 12.4600 12.4600 12.3300 2024-11-18 21:04:03
卢布 RUB/CNY 7.0600 7.0600 7.4200 7.4200 7.2300 2024-11-18 21:04:03
瑞典克朗 SEK/CNY 65.6100 65.6100 66.1300 66.1300 65.7300 2024-11-18 21:04:03
新台币 TWD/CNY 21.3400 23.3800 22.2800 2024-11-18 21:04:03
韩国元 KRW/CNY 0.5148 0.5148 0.5236 0.5236 0.5177 2024-11-18 21:04:03
南非兰特 ZAR/CNY 39.8800 39.8800 40.3400 40.3400 39.6600 2024-11-18 21:04:03

2024年11月10日 中国银行外汇牌价 人民币汇率

2024年11月10日 中国银行外汇牌价 人民币汇率

币种 代码 现汇买入价 现钞买入价 现汇卖出价 现钞卖出价 中行折算价 日期 时间
美元 USD/CNY 717.6000 717.6000 720.4600 720.4600 714.3300 2024-11-10 19:16:31
欧元 EUR/CNY 768.1100 768.1100 773.4900 773.4900 770.9900 2024-11-10 19:16:31
港币 HKD/CNY 92.3100 92.3100 92.6600 92.6600 91.9100 2024-11-10 19:16:31
日元 JPY/CNY 4.6965 4.6965 4.7285 4.7285 4.6658 2024-11-10 19:16:31
英镑 GBP/CNY 925.4700 925.4700 931.7700 931.7700 926.9700 2024-11-10 19:16:31
澳大利亚元 AUD/CNY 471.8800 471.8800 475.0900 475.0900 476.5300 2024-11-10 19:16:31
加拿大元 CAD/CNY 515.2000 515.2000 518.7100 518.7100 515.1000 2024-11-10 19:16:31
泰国铢 THB/CNY 20.9300 20.9300 21.0900 21.0900 20.9900 2024-11-10 19:16:31
新加坡元 SGD/CNY 540.0500 540.0500 543.8500 543.8500 540.8300 2024-11-10 19:16:31
瑞士法郎 CHF/CNY 818.2200 818.2200 823.9600 823.9600 818.5500 2024-11-10 19:16:31
丹麦克朗 DKK/CNY 102.9300 102.9300 103.7500 103.7500 103.4000 2024-11-10 19:16:31
澳门元 MOP/CNY 89.6500 89.6500 90.0100 90.0100 89.1800 2024-11-10 19:16:31
林吉特 MYR/CNY 163.4800 164.9500 162.4400 2024-11-10 19:16:31
挪威克朗 NOK/CNY 65.1100 65.1100 65.6300 65.6300 65.6600 2024-11-10 19:16:31
新西兰元 NZD/CNY 427.4300 427.4300 430.4300 430.4300 429.9700 2024-11-10 19:16:31
菲律宾比索 PHP/CNY 12.1700 12.1700 12.4100 12.4100 12.2400 2024-11-10 19:16:31
卢布 RUB/CNY 7.1900 7.1900 7.4900 7.4900 7.2900 2024-11-10 19:16:31
瑞典克朗 SEK/CNY 66.2100 66.2100 66.7500 66.7500 66.8300 2024-11-10 19:16:31
新台币 TWD/CNY 21.3900 23.4300 22.2300 2024-11-10 19:16:31
韩国元 KRW/CNY 0.5122 0.5122 0.5164 0.5164 0.5164 2024-11-10 19:16:31
南非兰特 ZAR/CNY 40.7600 40.7600 41.0400 41.0400 41.2800 2024-11-10 19:16:31

















  菜价涨跌互现 叶菜多降果菜多涨



生猪价格下行 猪肉价格小幅回落 



 蛋价结束连升 光鸡价格继续微升


















China’s Top 500 Hidden Unicorn Companies Total Valuation Breaks 2 Trillion Yuan for the First Time

The 2024 China Hidden Unicorn Companies Conference was held in Qingdao, Shandong on November 5. The “2024 China Hidden Unicorn Companies Development Report” released at the conference showed that the total valuation of China’s Top 500 Hidden Unicorn Companies in 2024 exceeded 2 trillion yuan for the first time, reaching 213.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 160.19 billion yuan, an increase of 8.12%.

The report data showed that from 2023 to 2024, 150 new companies were added to China’s Top 500 Hidden Unicorn Companies. At the same time, 10 companies successfully landed in the capital market, 43 companies were promoted to unicorns, 96 companies were temporarily eliminated from the list of China’s Top 500 Hidden Unicorn Companies, and 1 company was acquired.

Xie Shujiang, Chairman of the Unicorn Enterprise Innovation Branch of the China Invention Association and Secretary-General of the China Hidden Unicorn Enterprise Top 500 Conference, said in his interpretation of the report that the report divides the 2024 China Hidden Unicorn Enterprise Top 500 into 14 tracks. Among them, the number of companies in the advanced manufacturing track has increased significantly, surpassing the number of companies in the pharmaceutical and health track, ranking first.


中国隐形独角兽企业500强 总估值首破2万亿





The US dollar index fell sharply

On November 4, the offshore RMB appreciated by more than 500 points against the US dollar, breaking through the 7.10 mark. As of 19:50, the offshore and onshore RMB against the US dollar were reported at 7.0929 and 7.0916, respectively, up 442 points and 384 points, or 0.62% and 0.54% respectively.

It is worth noting that the US dollar index, which rose sharply last Friday, suddenly fell sharply on the 4th. At 19:50 on November 4, the US dollar index fell 0.64%, falling below 104 to 103.54. Last Friday, when the non-agricultural data was significantly lower than expected, the US dollar index rose significantly, closing up 0.34% on the day.

Industry insiders believe that the weakening of the US dollar may be closely related to the US election. The results of the US election are about to be released. As the election enters a critical stage, the main line of market trading also switches with the changes in the election situation.

Zhou Maohua, a researcher at the Financial Markets Department of Everbright Bank, said that on November 4, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar rebounded strongly, mainly driven by internal and external factors. On the one hand, due to the introduction of a package of countercyclical policies, market expectations have improved significantly, and the market is optimistic about the prospects for economic recovery and market valuation repair, driving the inflow of external funds; on the other hand, due to the recent fluctuations in the “Trump deal”, the market’s pessimistic expectations for non-US currencies such as the euro have eased, causing the US dollar to rise and fall.

Looking ahead to the future market, industry insiders believe that the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar will rise steadily and may return to within 7 before the end of the year.

Wen Bin, chief economist of Minsheng Bank, believes that China’s export situation is stable and improving, and it continues to play a basic role in stabilizing cross-border capital flows; with the introduction of a package of unexpected policies such as currency, real estate, and capital markets, market confidence has been significantly boosted, and international investors have accelerated the layout of Chinese assets, which has also formed a strong support for the stability of foreign exchange reserves. The foreign exchange market will continue to operate smoothly. “It is expected that the RMB exchange rate will most likely remain basically stable at a reasonable equilibrium level.” He believes that the domestic economy’s trend of stabilization and improvement will further strengthen, and the balance of international payments will remain basically stable. As foreign trade companies’ willingness to settle foreign exchange continues to increase, the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar may stabilize and return to below 7 before the end of the year.
